Olympe de Gouges.

Olympe de Gouges was an author, playwright and social reformer who “...challenged conventional views on women's rights and abolitionism”. Often listed amongst the world’s first feminists, her outspoken beliefs led to her being executed by guillotine in 1793. Read on to learn more about her.

Christina Rossetti.

Hello and welcome to the second of February's posts on poets; this time we look at the life of Christina Rossetti, who is regarded as “...one of the Victorian age’s finest poets.”  ( "Portrait of Christina Rossetti; head and shoulders, turned slightly to left, hair drawn up into a plaited chignon." From;File:Christina Rossetti 3.jpg -… Continue reading Christina Rossetti.

Dorothea and Gladys Cromwell

The evening of January 19, 1919, was a moonless one, most passengers aboard the SS La Lorraine were in their staterooms or dining. The ship was carrying 1,300 soldiers, civilians, and American Red Cross personnel hoping to return to an “ordinary” life. But as the ship sailed the Gironde River, a 24-year-old US Army private… Continue reading Dorothea and Gladys Cromwell

Pamala Lydon Travers.

Pamela Lyndon Travers, best known as the author of Mary Poppins, led a complex life, facing personal struggles and achieving literary success. Born in Australia in 1899, she moved to England to pursue her writing career. Her iconic character, Mary Poppins, gained international acclaim but also brought her conflicts, particularly with the Disney adaptation. Travers continued to write and explore mystical themes, leaving behind a timeless literary legacy upon her death in 1996.